§ 76-6-514. Bribery or threat to influence contest.  

Latest version.
  •      A person is guilty of a felony of the third degree if:
    (1) With a purpose to influence any participant or prospective participant not to give his best efforts in a publicly exhibited contest, he confers or offers or agrees to confer any benefit upon or threatens any injury to a participant or prospective participant; or
    (2) With a purpose to influence an official in a publicly exhibited contest to perform his duties improperly, he confers or offers or agrees to confer any benefit upon or threatens any injury to such official; or
    (3) With a purpose to influence the outcome of a publicly exhibited contest, he tampers with any person, animal, or thing contrary to the rules and usages purporting to govern the contest; or
    (4) He knowingly solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept any benefit, the giving of which would be criminal under Subsection (1) or (2).
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session